Thursday, February 7, 2013

Weighin Wednesday

I wish I could find the drive and determination I once had that put me in the mind set of not giving up until I reached a goal.  I need to figure out what works for me and do it.  Many times I have gotten down to 204 but can never push pass that number on the scale.  I was at 204 about three weeks ago but now I am back at 207.5 I have 3.5 lbs to get back to that weight and then leave it in the dust or just surpass it all together. 

Sorry its upside down 207.5

I am tired of starting over so I am going to stop giving up.  This is my time to put up or shut up.  I have been saying I want to be at my first goal weight of 165 by my birthday of April 2nd that is a little over 42lbs and my main reason for doing this is to feel good about myself and to love my body again.  And my second reason is because we are moving back to the soon to be husbands home town and I don't want to show up being the fat girl.  I plan to workout at home and start running again and adding in Zumba once a week until we move (sometime in May) and then join a gym or cross fit once we get there.  I need to find a buddy to encourage me and help me meet my goals and love myself again.  So if you want to be my buddy let me know. 

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